
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thou art a Priest Forever

Grieving my friend Father J. Daniel Dymski...

vigil in tribute to him yesterday in the sanctuary of

St. John the Evangelist Church, Naples.

...and may the perpetual Light shine upon him...

Jb FisherFather Dan Died? I am very sorry to hear that, he was a nice guy. Nary a cross word crossed his lips, and a fine minded fellow to boot. He will be missed.
Tue at 12:26am

Chrys Repking FisherHis health failed very quickly...he was admitted to the hospital last week, and died in his own home here in Naples. I was able to visit him on Sunday afternoon, & told Joanie and a few others who were close to go. I brought Billy's little night light of the virgin to watch over him, and put his hands around it while I told the story of taking your dad to Rome.

He loved you, son, and I know that your life was better for having known him. Whenever I saw him, he asked after you.
Tue at 4:53am ·