
Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's The Word

Muslims got around the problem of translating the 'Word' into the babel of human languages by simply demanding that converts receive the Koran in Arabic; this was extremely important because their 'Word' was the physical book and message of the Koran.

Christians and Jews aren't 'people of the book' like them despite their claims to the contrary. The Jewish people's 'Word' isn't Scripture, or Talmud traditions, but a lived a covenant relationship between (1) Abram named Abraham and (2) The Lord; their relationship has been maintained for millenia, passed from father to son to the 12 tribes and then their whole nation. Our Christian 'Word' is a physical, divine, spiritual, living person: the Risen Lord, Jesus the Christ, who lived, died, and lives today; our relationship to Him and His Father who is known through Him is continually taught by the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.

Sometimes, our languages still get in the way...but today we have technology tools to serve The Lord better.

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